Monday, June 13, 2016

The Top 10 Foods Your King Snacks on at the Movies

We here at The Cinema King are neither embarrassed nor proud to phone it in this week, amid moving across state lines and starting a new job out in the real world. And so, off the top of our illustrious head, we present “The Top 10 Foods Your King Snacks on at the Movies!” (Disclaimer: snacks may be consumed at the movie theater or in the privacy of one’s own home.)

10. Leftovers (whatever’s on tap)

9. Ice cream (but only at home)

8. Sliced apples

7. Chips with hummus

6. Chips with guacamole

5. Trail mix

4. Grapes (red only)

3. Twizzlers (never Red Vines!)

2. Buncha Crunch

1. Popcorn (with no movie theater butter, please!)

Here endeth the list. How about you? What’s your favorite movie snack? Sound off in the Comments, and come back next week for what is hopefully a more legitimate Cinema King posting. Happy Monday, all!

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