Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Introductions, it seems, are in order. I'm The Cinema King, so that's what you call me. That or His Kingness... Kinger... or El Kingerino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing... (That reference, to the Coen Brothers' masterpiece The Big Lebowski, will be the first of many ephemeral and at times incomprehensible allusions to master works of the silver screen. Brownie points if you can identify them all... they're like Pokemon in that regard.)

Having read a lot of philosophy lately, I find myself asking the following question perhaps more often than is healthy: what's the point? What's the telos (or end) to which this action is being done? So I ask it about this endeavor, and I'm sure you're asking it too... what's the point of opening up a blog?

I guess it’s because I need something to do. Maybe it’s boredom, maybe it’s a writer within, longing to escape Bruce Banner-style. Only instead of growing green and gargantuan, words start flowing out. The creative outlet of choice? The movie review. To my memory, I’ve been informally reviewing movies for as long as I’ve been alive, telling friends, “Oh, you should see this movie” or “Definitely skip this one – it’s a dud.” I’ve been published a few times reviewing movies, but it’s time to make this official.

I don’t have a set schedule of posting in mind just yet. I’m not the Perez Hilton type to post several times a day, but I could be induced to do so if I see a ton of good movies all in one go, or if I suddenly feel the creative juices a-churnin’. Basically, my plan is to call ’em as I see ’em, with detours where appropriate.

All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

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