Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quicklist Added

Hey folks -

Cinema King here. Just a quick update to let you all know about an exciting new feature I've added. I'm calling it a Quicklist.

Many people have asked me, "Hey, have you ever reviewed Movie X or Film Y?" When memory serves, I can answer fairly quickly, but when not I invoke the "labels" function on Blogger that allows me to tag reviews by title. Unfortunately, though, this involves sifting through more than two hundred labels to find a title.

That's all changing. By visiting or by clicking the "Quicklist" link at the right of your screen under "Quick Links," you'll be taken to an alphabetical list of all the reviews I've penned. From there, you'll be linked to each and every review posted on this blog. What's more, in the spirit of connectivity, I've also tried to go through posts and link to other relevant posts elsewhere on the blog.

All this in the interest of making this site as user-friendly as possible. It also helps keep me sane. Let me know if these features are helpful, distracting, or otherwise possessive of some element worth noting.

Happy viewing.

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