Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 -- A New Direction

No, not a review of Roland Emmerich's 2009 disaster-porn feature. Rather, a new direction for The Cinema King.

I realize I've been entirely remiss in my duties as monarch of this fair kingdom (Blogger tells me I haven't posted in nigh on a year). But rather than exchange some platitudes and excuses about my extended absence, I want to say that I'm revamping the format of this establishment and tweaking the way we do business, the better to edify you, cinematically speaking.

New look in hand, it's time to continue to evolve. Beginning tomorrow, in honor of the new year (and perhaps last, if the Mayans are to be believed), I'll be changing the way I review movies, providing a more timely and more sweeping scope of what's good, bad, and ugly in the world of celluloid. I hope this'll be a weekly or biweekly feature, but I hope it'll make the waits between reviews more bearable.

What is it, you ask? Ah, stay tuned. The ride begins tomorrow...

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