Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Introductions to Trailer Park

The spin-off you've been waiting for has finally come home to roost!

Here at The Cinema King, I have heretofore reviewed movies, finished products released to the general public. But there's another facet of the cinematic experience to which I haven't paid due attention - the art of the trailer. We see about four or five of these before a movie in the theaters (and on DVD, if [like me] you're not inclined to skip over them), and they reach us in a way that film doesn't. If these posts look familiar, it's because they once had their own blog, Trailer Park. Yet Trailer Park wasn't satisfying to me on a lot of levels, and with the new introduction of Labels/Tags to The Cinema King, there's now a perfect way to integrate the two concepts while still allowing you the reader to decide whether you want only "movie reviews" or if you're adventurous enough to click on the tag labeled "trailers."

Jim Gaffigan has the old joke that people always feel the need to comment on movie trailers, which are just glorified commercials. "Yet you would never do that for regular commercials. 'Yeah, I'm not gonna buy that cereal.'" Admittedly, it is preposterous to lean over to your moviegoing companion (or a total stranger) and openly opine about the commercial y'all have just seen.

But that's exactly what I'm going to do here.

I'll try to embed the trailer on here via our friends at YouTube, but if not I'll just link to the Apple Trailers site or something similar. See you at the movies.

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