Sunday, June 22, 2008

Trailer Park: The Dark Knight (2008) [Teaser]

Now it should come as no surprise to anyone that The Dark Knight is my most anticipated movie of the summer, and perhaps of my life. So it's only natural that my first few excursions into the Trailer Park should be the brilliant marketing campaign surrounding Christopher Nolan's second Batman movie.

The first teaser trailer landed in late 2007 (I want to say around October, but it might have been summer). I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit disappointed in this one, but props to the marketing team for originality here. Most teasers are quick flashes of action scenes and too-cool character shots, but this one is unique in being totally blank except for The Bat logo and a few lines of dialogue.

If I had only this teaser to go on, I wouldn't be optimistic about Heath Ledger's Joker. The voice doesn't sound distinctive enough, and the laugh falls flat when compared with Mark Hamill's.

Thank God Nolan has "A Taste for the Theatrical."

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